Company REDCONE ONE s.r.o. is a successful continuator of state research program in firearms oils, lubricants, and preservation products. Since 2009 we still go ahead in our private way, based on latest world firearms trends, understanding of new technologies and development in trends of cleaning, lubricating and metal preservation.
We have been aiming, in way of our research, especially on military, police and weapon industry clients. However, for us there is no difference as we understand that the conditioning and protection of firearms are a critical part of your task. Does not matters if you are soldier, police officer, competition shooter or big – game hunter, your mission is important for us.
In the year 2010 we have proudly put into operation the GUNSHIELD™ production line and introduced our flagship – GUNSHIELD™ CLP®. The research and teamwork behind this product are both based on US Army Military Specification MIL-PRF-63460E (PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION: LUBRICANT, CLEANER AND PRESERVATIVE FOR WEAPONS AND WEAPONS SYSTEMS). Therefore, we carefully follow the strictest standards in relation to weapons protection, maintenance, and long-term storage.

GUNSHIELD™ CLP® has successfully passed through Czech armed Forces tests and has been promoted as an official standard product for small arms protection and maintenance. All qualifications and approvement information are published on sites of bureau of Military standardization and quality control of Czech Republic, under the number C-VZ-1.1-6.3.
On the international field, in 2020, we have obtained, due to quality test results, a NATO stock number NSN-9150-16-008-4929.

GUNSHIELD™ CLP® is a member of CLP (Clean, Lubricate, Preservative) product branch. It is primarily dedicated to maintenance and protection of all metal parts of firearms. Our product provides the highest protection against attrition, dirt, and humidity (saltwater corrosive effects included).
GUNSHIELD™ CLP® provides maximal cleaning effect, perfectly disperses any metal residue in the barrel, protects against corrosion, and creates a protective micro-layer of special lubricants.
Most advanced thixotropy technology secures maximal reduction of friction and the potent capillarity of the product is the best solution for all the hard-to-reach places.
GUNSHIELD™ CLP® helps the neutralization of aggressive residual compounds from burned gun powder, copper removal from rifling and is carbon dissolvent. Surface microlayer repels dirt, dust and water.
The cold barrel shot effect is also minimized in effect on the first shot after application (cold barrel shot).
Continual use of GUNSHIELD™ CLP® ensures easier subsequent maintenance and longevity of the treated materials.

GUNSHIELD™ BFG GUN OIL is a special combination of high-quality oils and other additives. It is primarily designed for lubrication, basic maintenance, and protection of all weapon metal parts.
GUNSHIELD™ BFG GUN OIL has a highly degreasing, cleaning ability, and potent capillarity – a perfect solution for all the hard-to-reach places such as trigger mechanisms, bolt carrier parts or sliders.
GUNSHIELD™ BFG GUN OIL dissolves corrosion and rust. Creates an oil microlayer and chemical anticorrosive protection with long term effectivity as well as minimizes friction.
The solution becomes partly dry over time, with increased viscosity upon application that prevents any runoff from the treated parts – this ensures the creation of a thin, protective layer on the materials’ surface. It does not disrupt gun finish, coating or damage plastic parts. The product does not contain Teflon or silicone.